When they grow up, I want them to be happy

When they grow up, I want them to be happy

Have you ever wondered what you truly want for your little one’s future? Perhaps you’ve caught yourself thinking about it… Or even repeating some of the phrases we were raised with: “I want them to study hard,” or “I hope they get a good job.” These are things that, of course, many of us wish for. But I also see a transformation in the desires of many parents, a shift toward something different: that children grow up happy, with the tools to understand themselves and feel good about who they are.

Perhaps we’ve reached this point because we come from a generation so focused on visible achievements: degrees, positions, results. Today, however, we talk more about values, emotions, empathy. More and more, I hear moms and dads say things like: “I just want them to be happy, to have the tools to face challenges, and to be a good person.” And this means, starting now, teaching them to love their present, take care of themselves, and live with empathy for those around them.

A shift in focus:

This means teaching them to understand their emotions, be grateful for what they have, and learn to treat themselves and others with respect and kindness.

Here are some practical ideas to help them along the way:

  1. Strengthen their self-esteem and confidence
    Let them know you value them for who they are, not just for what they achieve. Recognizing their emotions and respecting their moments, whether happy or tough, helps them feel seen and loved.
  2. Teach them to enjoy the everyday
    Share those simple, precious moments, from reading together to preparing a meal. You’ll be teaching them that they don’t need big accomplishments to enjoy life.
  3. Give them space to choose and be themselves
    Allow them independence in their decisions, like choosing activities or the type of games they enjoy or how they play them. This teaches them responsibility and helps them develop a secure and unique identity. It’s also important to give them space to make mistakes or do things differently, helping them grow into resilient individuals.

Have you noticed something? Petit Folks’ children’s song boxes can help with all three points: they boost confidence and self-esteem, create moments to enjoy together, and allow them to express their preferences. Plus, singing and dancing together fosters a deep emotional connection, making everyday moments even more special.

Building an emotionally strong future

Raising emotionally strong children is a challenge and an immense act of love. We’re helping them build something more enduring and valuable than any material success: a healthy relationship with themselves and others. It’s an investment in their present and their future.

And you, what do you wish for your little one?
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