Song games

Careful and exclusive selection

At Petit Folks, we understand the importance of music in child development. That's why every song game we offer has been carefully selected and tailored to align with our brand. We create unique compositions that live in our app, providing an unparalleled musical experience. Our commitment is to provide high-quality music that not only entertains but also educates and enriches the lives of girls and boys. Each song is a work of art designed with the youngest in mind, ensuring that every note and rhythm resonates with their imagination and curiosity.

Neo-Folk style: traditional and modern

Our neo-folk style blends traditional elements with indie and cool vibes, creating a distinctive sound that delights young listeners. This approach not only makes the music accessible and appealing but also introduces children to a variety of musical styles and genres. By incorporating different instruments and rhythms, our song games help children develop a love for quality music from an early age. This joyful and approachable style encourages a critical appreciation of music, teaching children to value the diversity and richness of sonic experiences.

Diversity of styles and rhythms

At Petit Folks, we believe that exposure to a wide range of styles and rhythms is essential for children's musical development. That's why our song games feature a variety of styles, from soothing melodies to vibrant and energetic rhythms. This diversity not only delights young listeners but also educates them about the many facets of music. By exploring different genres and learning about various instruments, children develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for music, which can inspire them to continue exploring and learning.

High-quality musical experiences

Our goal at Petit Folks is to cultivate critical appreciation and delight young listeners with high-quality musical experiences. Each song game is designed to provide an enriching auditory experience that goes beyond the ordinary. By offering music that is both educational and entertaining, we help children develop important auditory and cognitive skills. Our games are not just a source of fun but also an educational tool that supports the holistic development of girls and boys.

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    Reconnectar a través del joc i les cançons: un ...

    Vivim en un món accelerat, on les responsabilitats i el caos diari ens arrosseguen a un ritme que de vegades ens desconnecta de l’essencial. Però hi ha alguna cosa que...

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    Materials naturals que desperten els sentits de...

    Les joguines de fusta tenen alguna cosa especial. No fan soroll, no tenen llums que distreguin, però els teus infants les noten des del primer moment. Saps per què? Eliminar...

  • Less is more

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    Amb el Nadal a punt d'arribar, és fàcil caure en la temptació d'omplir la casa de noves joguines per als nostres infants. Però una cosa que he après amb el temps...

    Menys és més

    Amb el Nadal a punt d'arribar, és fàcil caure en la temptació d'omplir la casa de noves joguines per als nostres infants. Però una cosa que he après amb el temps...

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