Learning toy 1 year

Speech and language development

Discover the innovative learning toy for 1-year-old girls and boys designed to promote speech and language development in the youngest ones. With Petit Folks, each collectible box features a unique theme and is available in various languages. Each box includes 16 song cards based on traditional and popular melodies. These cards not only entertain but also teach key language skills in an accessible and fun way.

Promotes comprehensive development

This sustainable and evolutionary learning toy for 1-year-old girls and boys is intended to promote comprehensive development from 12 months onwards. Every aspect of Petit Folks has been carefully designed to stimulate not only musical learning but also the cognitive and emotional growth of little ones, perfectly adapting to their abilities at this crucial stage of development.

Collection of thematic boxes

Explore our diverse thematic boxes that capture the imagination and curiosity of young children. Each one offers a unique educational approach and is designed to enrich the learning experience while having fun. Currently, two themes are available: Animal World and Play and Move, designed to help children explore the world around them while developing fundamental skills.

Available in Various Languages

Petit Folks is available in different languages, ensuring that all girls and boys have access to this enriching experience. This not only promotes culture and oral tradition but also facilitates language learning and appreciation of different cultures.

With Petit Folks, the learning toy for 1-year-olds that combines music, fun, and learning, your daughter or son will enjoy a complete and enriching educational experience that lays the foundation for happy and successful development.

  • Are all children’s songs appropriate?

    Totes les cançons infantils són adequades?

    Et faré una confessió curiosa: una de les primeres cançons que va cantar la meva filla no forma part de Petit Folks. Era “El gall i la gallina”. Te’n sona?...

    Totes les cançons infantils són adequades?

    Et faré una confessió curiosa: una de les primeres cançons que va cantar la meva filla no forma part de Petit Folks. Era “El gall i la gallina”. Te’n sona?...

  • Why is it essential for children aged 1 to 3 years to use sensory toys?

    Per què és essencial que els nens d'1 a 3 anys ...

    Desenvolupament de la motricitat i aprenentatge El desenvolupament d'una nena o un nen d'entre 1 i 3 anys és un període crucial de creixement quan comença a adquirir les habilitats...

    Per què és essencial que els nens d'1 a 3 anys ...

    Desenvolupament de la motricitat i aprenentatge El desenvolupament d'una nena o un nen d'entre 1 i 3 anys és un període crucial de creixement quan comença a adquirir les habilitats...

  • Petit Folks through the eyes of its creator

    Petit Folks segons la seva creadora

    Fa uns dies vaig tenir l’oportunitat de ser entrevistada a la ràdio sobre Petit Folks. El programa es va emetre un diumenge al matí mentre estàvem a casa. Els meus...

    Petit Folks segons la seva creadora

    Fa uns dies vaig tenir l’oportunitat de ser entrevistada a la ràdio sobre Petit Folks. El programa es va emetre un diumenge al matí mentre estàvem a casa. Els meus...

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