Wooden educational toys
Comprehensive development through fun
Discover our extensive collection of wooden educational toys, meticulously designed to foster the holistic development of girls and boys. Focused on quality and sustainability, each toy is crafted from eco-friendly materials that are not only safe for your children but also for the environment. We believe in the importance of early and enjoyable learning, so our products innovatively combine play and education.
Evolutionary musical toy
Our standout wooden educational toys not only entertain but also promote speech, language, and sensory development from an early age. Made with durable wood and ergonomically designed for small hands, they pair with songs from the app to offer a pleasant and educational auditory experience. It's the perfect choice for curious children who love to explore sounds and melodies.
Collection of thematic boxes
Explore our diverse series of collectible boxes, each with a unique theme that inspires creativity and active learning. Our boxes are designed to capture the attention of little explorers and foster their natural curiosity. Available in several languages, these wooden educational toys not only teach basic skills but also introduce cultural and linguistic concepts in an accessible and exciting way.
Commitment to sustainability
We take pride in our commitment to the environment. All our raw materials are sourced from local sustainable sources, ensuring that each toy is not only safe and durable but also planet-friendly. We believe that teaching children the importance of sustainability from an early age is crucial for creating future generations that are conscious and responsible.
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Avui acaba l'any en què vaig llançar Petit Folks. Us podeu imaginar: tota una muntanya russa d’emocions i experiències en només 365 dies. M’han passat moltes coses… bones i dolentes....
Avui acaba l'any en què vaig llançar Petit Folks. Us podeu imaginar: tota una muntanya russa d’emocions i experiències en només 365 dies. M’han passat moltes coses… bones i dolentes....
Aquest Nadal, regala Petit Folks! Joguines educ...
Moments que no tenen preu! El Nadal és un moment únic per enfortir els vincles familiars, i l'acte de compartir es converteix en el focus central d'aquests moments especials. Lluny...
Aquest Nadal, regala Petit Folks! Joguines educ...
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El nostre top 3 de les cançons de Nadal
Aquí no hi ha votacions ni cap mena d’estadística al darrere. Les que et compartiré són les cançons que més es canten a casa quan s’acosta Nadal. Com hauràs vist,...